LATTE Theater, The La Grange Area Teen Theater Ensemble

  • Professional Theater Leadership for teens ages 11 - 19
  • Non-Profit
226 S Ashland
La Grange, IL 60525
(708) 655-0989
School year Practices Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays,
Summer Acting Clinic - 11:00 - 2:00

About Us

LATTE Produces 3 terrific full length shows, 2 professional acting workshops, and tons of fun activities and community events including improv nights, open mic nights, and visual arts. LATTE, the La read more
  • About

    LATTE Produces 3 terrific full length shows, 2 professional acting workshops, and tons of fun activities and community events including improv nights, open mic nights, and visual arts. LATTE, the La Grange Area Teen Theater Ensemble, serves the Greater Chicago Area in developed phenomenal theater and socio-emotional growth utilizing the hybrid approach developed by Felicia Pfluger that pairs Socratic Method and the Stanislavsky technique to help:
    ~ Develop emotional resiliency and self comfort.
    ~ Decrease emotional frustration and anxiety by succeeding on stage and off.
    ~ Increase authentic self confidence and awareness.
    ~ Partner in the collaborative leadership of a team.
    ~ Form deeper connections with friends and family through emotional availability and empathy.
    ~ Channel and internalize wiser problem solving.
    ~ Increase personal perception-filter awareness through character motivations.
    ~ Emotional awareness through character analysis and introspection.
    ~ Manage emotions successfully through the stage show preparation process.
    ~ Strengthen connections with friends and family.
    ~ Creative problem solving and extrapolation.
    ~ Build emphathy as teens internalize social awareness of perceptions, filters, and motivations through script analysis and interpretation.
    ~ Direct stagecraft pairing use Socratic Method and the Stanislavski method .
    ~ Utilize different art mediums to analyze and facilitate emotional understanding and healing.

  • Media

  • Whom to Contact

    • Felicia Pfluger
      Founder/Producer/Artistic Director of LATTE Theater
      Phone: (708) 655-0989
  • Directions

    Practice and Workshop Location - Bell Avenue Entrance of 20 N Ashland, La Grange, IL Performances - Plymouth Place Auditorium, 315 N La Grange Road, La Grange Park, IL