Ogden Avenue School Family Bike Ride
Ogden Avenue School Family Bike Ride
September 25, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Ogden PTC is looking for business partners and/or sponsors for this event! Please email OgdenPTCFundraising@gmail.com if interested in getting involved!
Register today: Ogden Family Bike Ride
Tune up those ten speeds and save the date for the Tour de Ogden. Our panther pack will roll through Harding Woods for 1.5 miles while raising money for the PTC.
When: Sunday, September 25 at 10 am
Where: 1.5 mile ride starts at Ogden
Cost: $25/family
Register today: Ogden Family Bike Ride

Tune up those ten speeds and save the date for the Tour de Ogden. Our panther pack will roll through Harding Woods for 1.5 miles while raising money for the PTC.
When: Sunday, September 25 at 10 am
Where: 1.5 mile ride starts at Ogden
Cost: $25/family
Order shirts by 9/9 to ensure delivery ahead of tour!
The La Grange Park Police Department will be on hand to register bikes, offer a safety talk and conduct fingerprinting. Bike decorations, volunteers and hydration stations along the route are welcome! Spirit wear tour t-shirts are also available for purchase ($13/kid, $15/adult). For questions, contact Annie Davidson (Davidson.Anne.elizabeth@gmail.com)
The La Grange Park Police Department will be on hand to register bikes, offer a safety talk and conduct fingerprinting. Bike decorations, volunteers and hydration stations along the route are welcome! Spirit wear tour t-shirts are also available for purchase ($13/kid, $15/adult). For questions, contact Annie Davidson (Davidson.Anne.elizabeth@gmail.com)
Register Here 

Ogden Ave. School
Date/Time Information:
Sunday, September 25
10 am- 12 pm
10 am- 12 pm
Contact Information:
Register Here 

Set a Reminder:
La Grange photography © Bob Briskey