Beanie the Spider's Flavor Adventure at all Nonna's GoodLife Pizza, and Trugurt locations
Beanie the Spider's Flavor Adventure at all Nonna's GoodLife Pizza, and Trugurt locations
May 10, 2021 - August 31, 2021

Event Description:
Play to WIN!! MAY 10-AUGUST 31, 2021 | Beanie the Spider's Flavor Adventure at all Trugurt and Nonna's GoodLife Pizza locations. All Summer long fill up your playing card with stamps for each delicious flavor you're brave enough to try. Turn in your completed card to be entered to win an Adventures of Beanie the Spider book and art supplies! Check out the facebook event pages...
Nonna's GoodLife Pizza
Nonna's GoodLife Pizza
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Learn more about the Adventures of Beanie the Spider, by Christine Banks at
Learn more about the Adventures of Beanie the Spider, by Christine Banks at
Date/Time Information:
Play every day, all Summer long May - August 31, 2021
Contact Information:
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La Grange photography © Bob Briskey